


  • 2. 确保你能顺利毕业.

    确保你顺利毕业. By the junior year, we hope you have satisfied all your 通识教育要求. You should be focusing on your 主要 and minor requirements. 如果你拖欠贷款, you may need to take a summer school class or do a half-credit independent study.

  • 3. Get intermediate coursework done in your 主要.

    During your Junior year, you should be completing intermediate coursework in your 主要 并开始一些高级课程. You should continue to work on (and continuously evaluate) your academic and personal goals. And you should be thinking about your path after graduation.

  • 4. How can you get the most out of your 主要 experience?

    和你的主要导师谈谈 about how to get the most out of your 主要 experience. Would doing honors in the 主要 be a good choice for you? What is the best preparation for graduate school? What courses are most appropriate for your career aspirations? What kind of campus and community service activities which might enhance the academic work in your 主要, and also help you develop your leadership skills.

  • 6. 和别人谈谈如何处理压力.

    你应该知道 可利用的学术支持资源 在校园. If you are having academic difficulties, try to understand the nature of those difficulties. 你应该和你的教授谈谈, 去他们的办公时间, 参加辅导班, 安排学习小组, 与其他同学分享课堂笔记, and talk with academic support personnel in the Office of Student Affairs. Try to develop your study techniques to help you through times of academic stress. Try to develop effective techniques to feel better during times of emotional stress.

    •  Another valuable academic support resource is the Writing Center. You can book an appointment with a writing fellow from the 写作中心网站, for assistance during any part of the writing process.
    • If you are experiencing personal or academic stress and need additional support, 你可以安排一个约会 Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services. Sessions are confidential and free to Pitzer students.
    • 残疾学生资源 are also available for various methods of support.
    • The Claremont colleges offer numerous shared support services for students, which can be found 在这里
  • 7. Reference the 校历 both if you are 在校园 or abroad.

    站在上面 校历. In September (February), remember the deadline to add classes and finalize your schedules. In October (March), follow up on any low grade notices and observe the deadline to drop classes. In November (April) you need to pre-register for the next semester. 在十二月(五月), be aware of the last day to withdraw from classes and your final exam schedule. Frequently monitor your Pitzer email and promptly respond to any official communications.

  • 8. While abroad, stay in touch with your 主要 adviser in Claremont.

    当你出国留学的时候, 你会忙着看世界, 体验不一样的教育方式, 了解一种新的文化, 磨练你的语言技能, 增加你的职业机会, 寻找新的兴趣, 结交一生的朋友, 发现你自己, strengthening your graduate school application, and enjoying a life experience unlike any other. But please stay in touch with your 主要 adviser 在这里 in Claremont. You will need to preregister for the next semester from abroad, 通常上网受限.

  • 10. 看看针对大三学生的奖学金

    你应该申请一些 奖学金 哪些目标是青少年. You might think about the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, 博伦奖学金, 本杰明·吉尔曼奖学金, 国会-国会青年交流, 重要语言奖学金计划, 富布赖特委员会:暑期学院, 行动中的人性, 莫里斯·尤德尔和斯图尔特·尤德尔奖学金, 杜鲁门, 神经科学, 托马斯·皮克林外交事务奖学金, 搜索引擎优化职业生涯, 和/或先锋奖学金. 与弗莱彻204的桑迪·汉密尔顿交谈.

  • 11. 获得实习和研究经验.

    You should get some internship or research experience before it is too late. It is extremely important to your future career and academic paths to get out-of-classroom experience. You can begin your internship search with help from 职业服务. You can begin your research search with faculty members who are doing interesting work. Your 主要 adviser can help you make the connections. Make sure you are doing something over the summer (i.e. internships, research, volunteering, summer job, etc) connected with your future plans. You need to make plans late in the Fall semester and during winter break for the summer.